Information for the tourist


Heating and cooling

  • In winter, an indoor temperature between 19º – 20º C is enough in winter to achieve a good feeling of thermal comfort. At night, the temperature can be lowered to 16º or 17º C. Nevertheless, in summer this thermal comfort is achieved with a temperature of 25ºC. For each extra degree that the heating or cooling temperature is increased, there is an increase in energy of 8%.
  • It is advisable to use fans instead of air-conditioning systems. This is not only due to lower consumption, but also to the lower number of allergy problems or the discomfort derived from the lack of the appropriate maintenance of cooling equipment.
  • The use of blinds, curtains and awnings enables to increase indoor comfort and reduce cooling consumption. Draw them first thing in the morning to avoid direct solar radiation and draw them back at night. This action along with the cross-airing of the rooms will yield a simple, efficient improvement in your thermal comfort.
  • Switch off the heating and cooling equipment when the rooms are unoccupied.
  • Switch off the air-conditioning system if you are going to open the windows.


water saving

  • A shower consumes between 30-40 litres of water versus 120 litres of a bath. Bear in mind that water saving yields energy saving; for example, you will save the energy necessary for pumps to take water to your house.
  • While you stay in the hotel, reuse the towels instead of sending them to the laundry every day. Let us save water and energy and we will help preserve the environment at the same time.
  • When we use hot water, we must open the tap at the cold-water position to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. Opening the mixer tap in mid-position immediately triggers the operation of the boiler, even if hot water does not reach us immediately).



  • Lights are not to be left on when the rooms are unoccupied.
  • Light up what you need to. An excess of brightness creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and generates unnecessary energy waste.
  • Make sure of switching off electronic devices with the button so as to prevent them from remaining in stand by as they keep consuming energy in this state.



  • When using the car becomes essential, it is an interesting thing to combine it with various kinds of public transport to move about within the city centre or go to the beach.
  • Public transport is always a more economical, comfortable and sustainable option than using the car. Get informed about the various available options at the municipal information points and use them.
  • Going on foot or by bicycle is much faster and efficient than going by car for short- and medium-length journeys. Get informed about the availability of bikes for hire in the town you spend your holidays in.
  • If you have to hire a car to move about, see to it that its fuel consumption is the lowest possible one. Cars of this kind have a green eco-label, classes A, B or C.
  • Drive in an efficient way, without bursts of acceleration or sudden breaks, always within the speed limits established.


in tourist apartments

  • Drawing awnings and blinds holds back the radiation into the house, keeping it cool all along the day.
  • Whenever possible, take advantage of daylight.
  • Devote at least ten minutes a day to air the house, preferably with little sun exposure in the morning or at night. It will stay cool and we will save in heating and cooling costs.
  • Fill up the washing machine before starting it, avoiding overloading it. Try to use economical, short cycles: you will save water and energy, and you will take care of your clothes.
  • When possible, avoid using the dryer. Remember that the sun and the air are the best ways to dry your clothes, particularly in summer time.
  • Recycle. Separate organic waste from containers, glass or paper, and use the right container for each kind of waste. We will save energy in the manufacture of a new product and we will keep the environment cleaner.